Monday, January 24, 2011

Assessing Collaborative Efforts

How should participation in a collaborative learning community be assessed? How do the varying levels of skill and knowledge students bring to a course affect the instructor's "fair and equitable assessment" of learning?

In a collaborative learning community it is imperative that the individual know how he/she is being assessed.  Dr. Siemens states that the assessment has to be changed in order for it to work.  He states that "the assessement must be based on the community approach and that introducing role-playing can contribute to a high functioning collaborative environment." He goes on to say that there must be a way for individuals to stand out, otherwise they may shut down because the "group" is being assessed and not what they know individually.  He states  that "blogging may help to contribute to the learning community.  This is because it gives the individual a chance to express themselves while still participating in the community."(Siemens, 2008)
I agree with Dr, Siemens on all points.  There must be a way for the individual to stand out even though they are being graded with the group.  Progressive learning will not occur if the student cannot function with the group.

If a student does not want to network or collaborate in a learning community for an online course, what should the other members of the learning community do? What role should the instructor play? What impact would this have on his or her assessment plan?

If a student does not want to participate with the group the group should find a way for them to participate without ostracizing the student.  There should be feedback given for any work the student does and he/she should still have to contribute to the lessons even if they are working alone.   The other members should provide feedback to the instructor on how they feel about this student and then it will be up to that instructor to create a comfortable environment for everyone to work together.  The instructor should play the role of instructor and keep providing ways to keep everyone engaged in discussions and lessons. This may slightly alter the assessment plan, however it will make everyone comfortable and the one student who likes working alone will get the same fair and equitable assessment that his classmates get.


Siemens, G.2008Learning Communities. Laureate Education 2008

Siemens, G.2008Assessment of Collaborative Learning, Laureate Education 2008

Swan,K.2004.Relationships between Interactive and Learning in Online Environments."The Sloan Consortium".

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Storyboard/Outline for Copyright

¡Principle and Rules of Copyright
¡Plagiarism and Trademarks
¡Lesson Objectives
¡Students will learn the meaning of copyright and how it applies to web design
¡Students will learn the difference between copyright, plagiarism and trademarks.
¡Students will know what can and cannot be used on a web page
  Happens as soon as the work is created.
¡This means:
  You can still be sued even if the work is not registered.
¡Owner Rights
¡Reproduce the work
¡Prepare a “spin off” of the work
¡Distribute copies or phonorecords
¡Perform the work publicly
¡Display the work publicly
¡Perform sound recordings publicly
¡They can also give permission to others to do the same
¡Copyrights obtained for:
¡Copyright Registration
¡$35.00 non refundable fee
¡ Copy of the work
Paper  copy
¡$50.00 non refundable fee
¡Non-returnable copy of the work
All three must be sent in the same package.
¡How long does it last?
¡Life plus 70 years (or 95 years if anonymous or pseudonym –fictitious or pen name) or 120 years whichever is shortest.
¡Exception is Fair Use policy.
¡If there are co-authors then it lasts for 70 years after the last author passes away.
¡The works can be sold to someone else of they can be left in a will. (Example?)
¡Fair Use
Created for teacher’s and students.
¡Guidelines-purpose, nature, amount and effect
¡Government works are public domain and can be used freely.
¡Up to 10% of a work can be used.
¡Chart of Usage
¡Act of stealing and passing off ideas, words or other intellectual property produced by another as one’s own.
¡Be safe and cite your source!
¡Allows commerce entities to protect a particular word, symbol or design to identify their goods and services.
¡Can you name a few?
¡Trademark Symbols
¡What is protected on the WWW?
¡Assume that everything on the web is protected.
¡The underlying design of a web page and its contents including but not limited to:
¡Original text
¡List of web sites
¡All other unique elements
¡How does this tie into web design?
  When creating a web page you can:
¡Link to other web sites
¡Use free graphics
¡You Cannot…
¡Put the contents of another person’s or organizations website on your page.
¡Copy and paste information from various internet sources to create “your own” site
¡Incorporate other people’s electronic material such as email in your own document without permission.
¡You Cannot…
¡Forward someone’s email to another person without permission.
¡Change the context of someone’s digital correspondence in a way to change the meaning
¡Copy and paste other’s resources on your page.
¡You cannot…
¡Copy and paste logos, icons, and other graphics from other web sites to your web page unless it is “freeware”.  Shareware is not free!
¡Cannot use copyrighted material without permission
¡Material can be protected without symbols.
¡Penalties for violation range from mild to severe.
¡Write or email author to use their work
¡Follow the directions for using the material.
¡To copyright your own material make sure it is visible with the symbol, date and name of owner.
Information for this power point was used with permission from the George Mason University Website.
(will put in as a reference)